
Meet The Sluggers

June is bustin’ out all over with delicious SLUG veggies! It is high time for an introduction to the fierce team of gardeners who are already a month into the many adventures found in the garden.  We’ve navigated jungles of thistle and burdock, trellised baby tomatoes, made sweet friends with a red-winged black bird, and…

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It’s hard not to learn in a garden

While I’m writing this from outside my parents’ considerably less-impressive garden, I’m considering where SLUG fits into the spectrum of purposeful plant-growing. It still often seems like an unfamiliar midpoint between my family’s starved tomatoes and the corner of the immense corn monoculture that I can see from my house. No one in SLUG disagrees…

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Back At It

After a six-week stint in Northern Minnesota speaking French and cooking Italian (check it), I am thrilled to be back. As much as I will miss the trees, trails, and tirimisu of language camp life, there is something to be said for knowing where one’s tomatoes come from… I have been back working in the garden for…

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SLUG: Something Learned, Used Greatly

I was trying to decide what to write my blog post about, and I couldn’t decide between a post about the animals in the garden or gardening alone or what I’ve learned this summer. I chose what I’ve learned this summer, but I do touch on the value of gardening with a team. For your…

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Rainbows of Vegetables

I said to Jenny last week, “We should have counted the number of wheelbarrows that we have filled up with woodchips the past month.” We didn’t though. Perhaps it can be counted in pounds of produce that we have been harvesting the past two weeks? The past month has been busy with protecting tomatoes from…

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